About us

Traditionally, a pound cake recipe is simple: one pound each of sugar, flour, eggs and butter. So what makes Perfect PoundCakes’ batter different? Of course, I can’t tell you that! Not all of it, anyway. You’ll have to taste them to try to figure it out. But I can tell you how our bakery came to be, and express why I am so proud of the three-generations of minorities that service it.
Like a lot of good family stories, Perfect PoundCakes started with a Grandmother’s secret recipe; so secret it was never written down -- a little of this and a little of that. But once you’ve tasted magic, you can’t let it go, so my husband and I pounded away (pun-intended) in our home kitchen until we knew we had developed an unparalleled pound cake batter, that we had baked to perfection, and that lived up to Grandma Amaree’s standards of scrumptiousness.
Then, we took the pound cakes to the public. Our children trucked with us to farmers’ markets to introduce our product to like-minded foodies. Every weekend we sold out, and every weekend gave us more encouragement that people love these pound cakes and would support a bakery. In time, we opened our bakery Perfect PoundCakes in East Hartford. Our brick-and-mortar bakery was the culmination of a lot of hard work and a lot of love from family, friends and people in the community.
While at the bakery we launched our signature product, the now trademarked Poundcup. This is a cupcake shaped pound cake with homemade buttercream frosting. It had all the convenience of a cupcake, but all the flavor and texture of our perfect pound cakes. Now, our mission is to provide you with the Perfect Poundcup experience with every bite -- sweet, moist, crystallized-crust and unbeatable homemade frosting.
Come try our Poundcups. Make sure you say “Hi” to our family - one of us is always there. And, we can do a Poundcup toast together to good food, good family and good fortune!
Tamika Mitchell